Satyress Series

I decided to do a series of female satyrs - or, satyresses - because I had had enough of only ever seeing the male of the species.  So if a female version were to exist, what would she look like?  What would she do all day? 

Why, fornicate in the forest like her male counterparts, of course!

Available in a variety of colours, shown here in transparent green, and magenta and transparent.

For pricing and availability please contact Kate Urban.

Cast Glass, Series of 12

Approximate Sizes

Cheeky Satyress: 11cm X 32cm X 18cm, 2.9kg

Leggy Satyress: 22cm X 24cm X 19cm, 4.3kg

Lounging Satyress: 19cm X 33cm X19c, 6.4kg