Caius, version 2.0

 I couldn't resist re-ceating this impish little addition to Pan's troupe, but this time around I used real sheep horns to complement the set of busts I am just about finished!

Approximate Size 31cm x 29cm x 20cm 17.8kg


Daniel, King of the Woods

Meet Daniel, our neighbourhood cop. Seriously. I saw him one Sunday riding a Segway while policing a neighbourhood street party, and had to have him come and pose! The following week I went into the station, walked up to the officer at the front desk and described this amazing co-worker of his with the most incredible hawk-nose ever, asking for his number so that I could get him down to my atelier as a model. The officer just shook his head from side to side as he wrote out what I needed, saying "Well ma'am, all I can say that it's not every day that starts off with this kind of request, but the change is welcome". And then he smiled and gave me Daniel's contact info.
Happily, Daniel was game, and within the week his bust was done! Now, imagine him in transparent glass with a rack of antlers, and you'll see how in my mind I call him King of the Woods.

Daniel, in clay and non-fired...

Daniel, in clay and non-fired...

Daniel, profile

Daniel, profile


Still keeping with the theme of busts and my fantasy men in the woods, I have created two more life-sized busts. This one is Gaetan, our very own barber from across the street! I loved his bald head so asked him to pose, and I immediately saw him as a Bacchus-styled being, happy and free...and now the bust has been fired, enamelled, and is waiting for a mould-job so I can re-create him in glass with an awesome set of goat horns I have on stand-by! More pics to follow.... clay, non-fired. clay, non-fired.

Gaetan, in profile.

Gaetan, in profile.

Back to business!

My latest bust...soon to be followed by a glass version! :) (And imagine added deer antlers!)

Front view

Front view

Side view

Side view

Back view

Back view

A Plaster Version of Little Miss Cheeky!

A friend wanted to know what a plaster copy of one of Satyresses would look like.  So, since I already had the mould from the glass portion of my work, I thought, why not?

Here is what I came up with:

Plaster Cheeky Satyress

And here is the little satyress getting the beginning coat of colour...

Cheeky Satyr

And, the final product:

Plaster Cast of Satyress

Some of my latest clay pieces

Here are some of the latest clay pieces, drying in the studio and waiting for the kiln.  There's another mermaid to add to the growing "miracle" of mermaids; there's "Corrine", half crow, half woman; Icarus's mother also makes an appearance; I have added another tortured dryad; and finally I found a model for the Rapunzel statue that I've been considering for the last while...

I did them all out of a dark clay, which theoretically should fire to black given the proper temperatures, and then it'll just be a question of some gilded wax.  I think.  We'll see.

Another little mermaid who had too much salmon and seaweed for lunch!


Icarus's Mother

A tortured Dryad

A blurry Rapunzel!