Daniel, King of the Woods

Meet Daniel, our neighbourhood cop. Seriously. I saw him one Sunday riding a Segway while policing a neighbourhood street party, and had to have him come and pose! The following week I went into the station, walked up to the officer at the front desk and described this amazing co-worker of his with the most incredible hawk-nose ever, asking for his number so that I could get him down to my atelier as a model. The officer just shook his head from side to side as he wrote out what I needed, saying "Well ma'am, all I can say that it's not every day that starts off with this kind of request, but the change is welcome". And then he smiled and gave me Daniel's contact info.
Happily, Daniel was game, and within the week his bust was done! Now, imagine him in transparent glass with a rack of antlers, and you'll see how in my mind I call him King of the Woods.

Daniel, in clay and non-fired...

Daniel, in clay and non-fired...

Daniel, profile

Daniel, profile